Onboarding Citizen Science and the role of research libraries: barriers and accelerators - Post Event Report | SSHOPENCLOUD

Items tagged with oa.eosc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-08-19


"The workshop Onboarding Citizen Science and the role of research libraries: barriers and accelerators took place on June 23rd 2021 during the LIBER 2021 Annual Conference, which was held online for the second year. The workshop built on the outcomes of the session “Citizen Science: What it means for SSH and how can multidisciplinarity be achieved?” that took place during the conference “Realising the European Open Science Cloud: Towards a FAIR research data landscape for the social sciences, humanities and beyond.” in November 2020. Taking the results and questions from the previous session to a second level, the workshop aimed at raising awareness on the challenges and opportunities deriving from libraries’ active involvement in Citizen Science in general, but also more specifically in relation to Social Sciences and Humanities. The role of the current workshop is to discuss how to advance SSH progress through participatory research with the help of the research libraries, by identifying barriers and accelerators. Synergies and collaborations will be discussed between the initiatives represented by the speakers and the participants and links between Citizen Science, SSHOC and the EOSC will be further explored...."



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oa.sshoc oa.citizen_science libraries eosc

Date tagged:

08/19/2021, 09:03

Date published:

08/19/2021, 05:03