AmeliCA vs Plan S: Same target, two different strategies to achieve Open Access.

Items tagged with oa.redalyc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-01-19


"Meanwhile in another region of the world AmeliCA was brewing, the extension of REDALYC’s philosophy, knowledge and technology to the Global South (Becerril-Garcia & Aguado-Lopez, 2018). Supported by UNESCOAmeliCA is a multi-institutional community-driven initiative that arises in response to the international, regional, national and institutional Open Access contexts, which looks for a collaborative, sustainable, protected and non-commercial solution for Open Knowledge in Latin America and the Global South (AmeliCA, 2018). This institution of Commons was launched at CLACSO’s conference on November 21, 2018, at the “UNESCO Special Forum: Democratization of academic knowledge. The challenges for open access to knowledge.“ We must first say that both initiatives—Plan S and AmeliCA—share the same target: to make Open Access a reality. However, Plan S and AmeliCA are two very different visions and conceptualizations regarding the circulation of scientific knowledge. What is their main difference? Notwithstanding they arose almost simultaneously and with the same goal, some of their proposed strategies are counterposed, how can it be?..."



01/19/2021, 07:55

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Date tagged:

01/19/2021, 12:53

Date published:

02/10/2019, 07:55