Jisc licence subscriptions manager goes live for Liverpool University Press' Opening the Future | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
Items tagged with oa.jisc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-08-23
The COPIM project and Liverpool University Press (LUP) are pleased to announce a partnership with Jisc on their Opening the Future membership programme.
The recent agreement means that UK libraries can now easily sign up and pay for two packages of books on offer from LUP, through Jisc’s Licence Subscription Manager.
UK libraries can now sign up and pay for two packages of books on offer from LUP, through Jisc’s Licence Subscription Manager: https://subscriptionsmanager.jisc.ac.uk/catalogue/2651.
Access to two monograph series is on offer: Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, and Liverpool Latin American Studies. There are 36 multi-user titles in total. This initiative makes library funds go further by increasing their digital collections at the same time as supporting new Open Access (OA) publications.
https://copim.pubpub.org/pub/lup-otf-jisc/From feeds:
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