A new approach to supporting scholarly communications: announcing the open access community framework (OACF) | Jisc
Items tagged with oa.jisc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-02-24
o further realise Jisc and its strategic groups’ commitment to working with stakeholders across the scholarly communication landscape and supporting innovation, we’re now announcing a new approach to supporting publishers or initiatives operating under the diamond OA model – open access publishing with no subscription or author facing fees - with the open access community framework (OACF).
Jisc has worked with a range of subscription and fully OA publishers so far, negotiating agreements based on a variety of models, including read and publish, subscribe to open, funder-compliant green, to help all publishers wishing to engage with OA. We also have several agreements for OA monographs and agreements supporting core scholarly communications infrastructure, such as arXiv.
https://www.jisc.ac.uk/blog/a-new-approach-to-supporting-scholarly-communications-announcing-the-oacf-24-feb-2022From feeds:
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