How to make more than 200 monograph titles available OA annually on a small-ish budget

Items tagged with oa.jisc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-05-30


When it comes to library budgets, how far can £10,000 stretch? Access to a small database, a couple of journals, a handful of article processing charges (APCs), maybe one OA book via a book processing charge (BPC)? That figure might also support scholar-led and small university presses to publish more than 200 front-list monographs annually on an immediate open access (OA) basis. Sound interesting? Jisc has been supporting a number of OA monograph community agreements, which operate on a few different models, but all with the aim of raising sufficient income to allow the publication of new monograph content without needing to charge the author a BPC.  


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oa.costs oa.collections oa.business_models oa.budgets oa.bpc oa.books jisc

Date tagged:

05/30/2022, 07:57

Date published:

05/30/2022, 03:57