Subject analysis of routes to compliance for UKRI funded authors

Items tagged with oa.jisc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-12-14


As part of our work to support the implementation of the new UKRI Open Access policy, we have rapidly scaled up our negotiations and are now working with over 300 publishers (and have confirmed compliance of 100 more) across a broad range of subject areas using a range of open access publishing routes. The aim is to make it easy for authors to increase the reach and impact of their research, and to comply with UKRI, and other research funders’, open access (OA) policies. We carry out detailed analysis of previous publishing patterns of UKRI funded authors and assign each journal a route to compliance category (Table 1). For journals that are non-compliant or ineligible for UKRI funds we then evaluate the gaps between the publisher’s existing publication routes and the UKRI OA policy requirements, and we work with these publishers to secure UKRI compliant agreements. All our negotiations with publishers are sector-led and designed to meet both sector and funder requirements.


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oa.funding oa.compliance oa.authors oa.analysis ukri funders uk jisc northern_europe europe

Date tagged:

12/14/2022, 08:53

Date published:

12/14/2022, 03:53