New Jisc research infrastructure assets report will drive collaboration | Jisc
Items tagged with oa.jisc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-05-10
"For the first time, UKRI-funded report brings together views of 15 major stakeholders from across the UK research community.
To gain an unprecedented insight into the UK’s academic research infrastructure assets, Jisc has collected the views of leading bodies from across the sector.
The new report, Optimising the UK’s university research infrastructure assets, aims to help identify more opportunities for collaboration, attracting investment, developing skills and reducing bureaucracy.
The UK’s university research infrastructure assets include equipment, facilities and the laboratories commissioned for research use across all disciplines.
The report outlines a range of perspectives from interviews with leaders and experts at 15 groups and stakeholder organisations from the UK’s higher education, research and innovation sector.
It highlights opportunities for new collaborative approaches to optimise the use, sharing, efficiency and sustainability of research infrastructure assets, and was funded by UK Research and Innovation.
The report identifies four key areas of opportunity for the research sector, which it recommends should receive extra investment to promote knowledge exchange and the commercialisation of research and development...."
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