PALOMERA: the case for open access academic books - Research
Items tagged with oa.jisc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-06-05
"In January 2024, a new open access policy from UKRI for monographs, book chapters and edited collections comes into force. Jisc is supporting the implementation of this policy, and we feel that participation in the PALOMERA project will be of mutual benefit to Jisc and its members as we start to build up knowledge of the open access (OA) books policy landscape across the European Research Area (ERA). We hope that our experience of implementing an OA books strategy in the UK will be of use to our colleagues in Europe.
PALOMERA stands for Policy Alignment of Open Access Monographs in the European Research Area. The project has been funded for two years (2023-24) under the Horizon Europe: Reforming and enhancing the European R&I System with the aim of understanding why so few OA funder policies include books, and how this can be changed. It will:
Collect and analyse a wide variety of data source related to open access book publishing and funder policies across geographies, languages, economies, and disciplines within the ERA, creating a Knowledge Base that will structure and make available knowledge to explain the challenges and bottlenecks that hold back open access to academic books
Create a forum for funders to focus specifically on OA books and related issues
Produce actionable recommendations and resources to support funder and institutional policies for OA books, with the overall objective of speeding up the transition to open access for books to further promote open science
Address all relevant stakeholders (research funders and institutions, researchers, publishers, infrastructure providers, libraries, and national policymakers), facilitating co-creation and validation events throughout the project to ensure that the views and voices of all relevant stakeholders are represented..."
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