Microfiche collection on the "open access" "CultureLibre.ca :: ::

Items tagged with oa.carl in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2015-05-01


"If you had 15 words or phrases to explain free access, what would they be? It is precisely the challenge that the organization Espace Temps , in collaboration with the ETS , launched me to create a mediation initiative on open access (open access or English).  For more information on Open Access, see this page from the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and this Youtube video:  http://youtu.be/4dZ8Ak9elZU In fact, we will realize a collection of Microfiches on this topic, ie a set of 15 cards explaining open access. Each card represents one of the 15 themes. On one hand, the illustration of a professional visually represent the concept, on the other, will show the wording and an explanatory paragraph.  For now, my partner asked me to articulate the 15 important concepts of open access for validation. I offered to disseminate here to get feedback and ideas - a kind of open evaluation by peers. I give you, premiere, a draft of 15 proposed concepts on the topic of open access. We have two weeks to make adjustments, so we want to open to the community the process of drafting these sheets. Please contact me if you ever have questions or comments regarding the following 15 themes of free access - especially if you consider that it lacks some concepts or are poorly expressed ..."



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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.carl in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.com


oa.librarians oa.intro oa.guides oa.crowd oa.comment oa.carl oa.advocacy librarians libraries canada french

Date tagged:

05/01/2015, 11:48

Date published:

05/01/2015, 07:48