CARL Releases Roadmap Towards Sustainable Scholarly Communication - Canadian Association of Research Libraries

Items tagged with oa.carl in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2017-01-29


"OTTAWA, January 27, 2017 – The Canadian Association of Research Libraries released today a Scholarly Communications Roadmap that presents clear activities it aims to undertake to stimulate positive change towards an open, sustainable, effective and innovative scholarly communication system. The key activities identified by CARL for action in the next few years are: Increase awareness and engage stakeholders about the benefits of open access and the need for change; Promote and accelerate the adoption of open science policies; Lower the economic barriers to the creation and dissemination of academic publications; Promote the responsible application of impact and productivity measures for research; Expand the types of research outputs that contribute to the formal scholarly communication system. CARL recognizes that these activities will likely intersect with other local, regional and international efforts, and is committed to working with other organizations and stakeholders to achieve our objectives. This document is not intended to remain static; as the scholarly communication system evolves CARL will update this Roadmap to reflect any new characteristics and circumstances."


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Date tagged:

01/29/2017, 22:22

Date published:

01/29/2017, 17:22