PUBLISHERS AND PUBLISHING STANCES: a Contribution to Multilingualism and Biliodiversity
Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-04-09

Workshop from SIGs on Multilingualism and Advocacy discusses OA journals and the Ibero-American publishers landscape
The workshop on “Publishers and Publishing Stances: a Contribution to Multilingualism and Bibliodiversity” takes place on April 22nd, via Zoom. The event will present the results and recommendations provided by the first multi-institutional study on Open Access Diamond Journals as well as discuss the Ibero-American Landscape on Academic Publishers. Presenters include the presidents and representatives of associations from Portugal, Spain, Brazil, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
The workshop will be divided in two panels. The first one, dedicated to the report presentation of the Open Access Journals study, will have as speakers Arianna Becerril-García (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Redalyc) and Pierre Mounier (OpenEdition, OPERAS), with moderation by Delfim Leão (University of Coimbra, OPERAS). The study was commissioned by cOAlition S and funded by Science Europe in order to gain a better understanding of the OA diamond landscape.
The second panel brings together the representatives from Latin American and Iberian academic publishers associations to discuss how their countries can contribute to the boosting of multilingualism and bibliodiversity in academic publishing. The panel will receive the participation from João Caetano (Universidade Aberta, APEES), Ana Isabel González (Universidad de Oviedo, UNE), Jezio Hernani Gutierre (Universidade Estadual Paulista, ABEU) and Sayri Karp Mitastein (Universidad de Guadalajara, EULAC). The moderation will be provided by Margo Bargheer (Universität Göttingen, AEUP).
Registration can be made at this link.
Workshop details:
PUBLISHERS AND PUBLISHING STANCES: a Contribution to Multilingualism and Bibliodiversity
A joint workshop of the OPERAS Special Interest Groups on Multilingualism and on Advocacy
(in collaboration with the OPERAS-P and the TRIPLE projects, and APEES – the Portuguese Association of Higher Education Presses)
22nd April, 15h–17h30 CEST (on-line event)
Welcome address – 15h
1st Panel – 15h05
Open Access Diamond Journals – report presentation: key findings, key recommendations, and kick-start actions
Summary: This is the first study of its kind. It was commissioned by cOAlition S and funded by Science Europe in order to gain a better understanding of the OA diamond landscape. It is the culmination of work undertaken from June 2020 to February 2021 by a consortium of 10 organisations: OPERAS, SPARC Europe, Utrecht University, DOAJ, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, LIBER, OASPA, ENRESSH, Redalyc-AmeliCA, and CSI. The in-depth report shines light on a community-driven open access publishing model. The OA diamond model promotes both inclusivity and bibliodiversity as it serves a wide range of disciplines, languages, countries and communities. It makes open access publishing truly accessible to all since it removes some of the financial hurdles that researchers struggle with. The findings and recommendations point to clearly defined areas where research funding organisations, institutions, scholarly societies and infrastructures can help OA diamond thrive in the future and assist journals in complying with Plan S.
Moderator: Delfim Leão (Universidade de Coimbra, OPERAS)
- Arianna Becerril-García (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Redalyc)
- Pierre Mounier (OpenEdition, OPERAS)
2nd Panel – 16h
Academic Publishers: the Iberian and the Latin-American Landscape
This panel brings together the representatives of four academic publishing associations: Portugal, Spain, Brazil, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Each representative is invited to make a brief presentation on the way in which academic presses of Iberian and Latin American countries (whose languages have a significant international dimension) can make a specific contribution to the boosting of balanced multilingualism and of bibliodiversity in the domain of academic publishing.
Moderator: Margo Bargheer (Universität Göttingen, AEUP – Association of European Academic Presses)
- João Caetano (Universidade Aberta, APEES – Associação Portuguesa de Editoras do Ensino Superior)
- Ana Isabel González (Universidad de Oviedo, UNE – Unión de Editoriales Universitarias Españolas)
- Jézio Hernani Gutierre (Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, ABEU – Associação Brasileira de Editoras Universitárias)
- Sayri Karp Mitastein (Universidad de Guadalajara, EULAC – Asociación de Editoriales Universitarias de América Latina y el Caribe)
Details on speakers and moderators:

Delfim Leão is Full Professor at the Institute of Classical Studies at the University of Coimbra and Editor of “Brill’s Plutarch Studies”, “Humanitas-Supplementum” series and the “Atlantís-review”. Former Director of Coimbra University Press (2011–2021), he is Vice-Rector for Culture and Open Science. Specialization in the field of open scholarly communication: His scientific and professional activities include the development of two specialized digital platforms: the Classica Digitalia and the UC Digitalis. He is at present a member of the UNESCO Open Science Advisory Committee, representing the Western European and North American States.

Margo Bargheer is a trained graphic designer and holds a master degree in social anthropology and media studies. She is the team leader for electronic publishing at the library of Göttingen University. The team takes care of the university press, the institutional repositories, open access policies and support, institutional publication data management and ORCID and DOI service. Margo is spokesperson for AEUP and the working group for German speaking university presses. In that role she takes part in OPERAS working groups and the Knowledge Exchange T&F group for small publishers.

Arianna Becerril-García is a full-time professor-researcher at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM). A member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) of Mexico, she holds a PhD and MSc in Computer Science. She has played a key role in many open science initiatives: she is part of the founding team of the Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal ( where she is the current Executive Director; founder and president of AmeliCA Conocimiento Abierto SC; founder of Red Mexicana de Repositorios Institucionales; member of the steering committee of Invest In Open Infrastructure; board member in the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS); and part of the council of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Pierre Mounier is OPERAS Coordinator for the community. He supports cooperation between the OPERAS partners and establishes the strategic roadmap of the infrastructure. He is trained in classical studies and social anthropology. He is working at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and is deputy director of OpenEdition, the French national infrastructure dedicated to open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities.

João Caetano has a degree in Law (1993) and a Master in European Economy (1997) by the University of Coimbra. He holds a PhD in Political Sciences from Universidade Aberta (2007). Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Management at Universidade Aberta. Pro-rector for Legal and Institutional Affairs and director of the Coimbra Delegation of Universidade Aberta, the Portuguese public university of distance and network education. By appointment of the Portuguese State, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), in Vienna, and a member of its Editorial Board. With extensive scientific work, including project management and the organization of international congresses, and more than a hundred scientific publications, in several languages, in the areas of Political Science and Law. He is the current chairman of the board of APEES – Portuguese Association of Higher Education Publishers.

Ana Isabel Gonzales holds a PhD in Law and Master in Financial and Taxation Law from the University of Oviedo, and is a Professor of University School at this University. Erasmus coordinator at the Faculty of Law since 2006, actually she is academic secretary of the Master for Lawyer. From may 2008 to march 2021 she was director of Oviedo University Press. President of the Union of Spanish University Publishers (UNE) since 2016 where she has been responsible for the quality area. Corresponding academic of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence of Asturias since May 2013, she is a member of AUDESCO (ECSA Spain), a spanish university association of professors and researchers specialized in European integration, the Spanish Association of Regional Science and the Network of Professors of Financial and Taxation Law.

Jezio Hernani Gutierre holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, a Master in Philosophy – University of Cambridge and a Master in Logic and Philosophy of Science from the Universidade of Campinas and a degree in Economics from the University of São Paulo. From 2001 to 2015 he served as Executive Editor of Fundação Editora da Unesp and since 2015 he has been the CEO of Fundação Editora da Unesp. He is also the director of Editorial Diffusion at ABEU. Jezio is currently an Assistant Professor at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho and has experience in the area of Philosophy, with an emphasis on Epistemology, acting mainly on the following themes: contemporary epistemology, Kuhn, Popper, rationalism and ontology of science.

Sayri Karp Mitastein studied a degree in Hispanic Language and Literature at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a master’s degree in Publishing at the International Center for Professional Studies for Publishers and Booksellers, of the University of Guadalajara. Sayri Karp is currently the director of the Editorial of the University of Guadalajara, a dependency in which she has worked since 2002, when she was invited to create it. Since 2015, she has presided over the Association of University Publishers of Latin America and the Caribbean (EULAC). She is co-founder of the Altexto Network of University and Academic Editorials of Mexico, created in 2006, and a member of its board of directors. Since 2004 she has been part of the organizing committee of the International Forum of University and Academic Publishing, which takes place within the framework of the activities for professionals at the Guadalajara International Book Fair.In 2018 he received the distinction of the University Publishing Merit awarded by the University Book Fair, organized by the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, and the Recognition to the University Editor Rubén Bonifaz Nuño granted by the UNAM within the framework of the International Book Fair of the University (Filuni).