OPERAS P & OASPA Workshop: innovative business models for open access book publishing in Europe | YouTube
Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-04-21
This is a recorded video of a workshop held on April 7th 2020. The workshop was organised by OPERAS-P & OASPA and speaks about business models for open access books. The organizers are looking into innovative, non-bpc, business models to create a sustainable infrastructure for open access book publishing in Europe.
This workshop on business models for open access books was targeted specifically at small and medium-sized academic book publishers. Both for publishers that already publish open access books and those considering to start with open access book publishing – from within and outside of Europe. For this workshop, six different publishers presented how they each make use of a different business model to publish their books open access.
Six publishers* were invited from Finland, Croatia, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom to share about their business models for open access book publishing. Each of these publishers, sharing their experiences and insights with an emphasis on Revenue, Costs, Legal Affairs and Workflows (Production and Distribution).
Presenter 1: Sebastian Nordhoff (Language Science Press)
Presenter 2: Niklas Alén (Finnish Literature Society)
Presenter 3: Martin Paul Eve (Opening the future)*
Presenter 4: Iva Melinscak Zlodi (FF Open Press)
Presenter 5: Lucy Barnes (Open Book Publishers)
Presenter 6: Fulvio Guatelli (Firenze University Press)
*Unfortunately Professor Martin Paul Eve was not able to join us on the day. Instead we refer you to the following webpage which includes further information on the presentation and the innovative 'opening the future' business model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOhQGSvEOhE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mtIac70MkAFrom feeds:
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