OPERAS-P Deliverable D6.4: Report on the innovative models of bibliodiversity in scholarly publications | Zenodo
Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-06-17
Leão, Delfim, Balula, Ana, Costa, Carlos, Plag, Cornelia, Caliman, Lorena, Padez, Maria João, … Jarmelo, Susana. (2021). OPERAS-P Deliverable D6.4: Report on the innovative models of bibliodiversity in scholarly publications (Version DRAFT). Zenodo.
Given the growing need to strengthen the bonds between stakeholders involved in scholarly communication and multilingualism, this WP has a three-fold purpose: (i) synthesize evidence in the literature as to innovative dynamics of knowledge-sharing and scholarly communication within linguistically diverse scholarly contexts and research networks; (ii) have a better understanding of the role of multilingualism within bibliodiversity in scholarly communication, through the lens of publishers and translators/researchers; and (iii) present the conceptual design of a future OPERAS Translation Platform aiming at supporting translation services at the scholarly communication level (involving publishers, translators, researchers).
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