Job: Open Science Project Officer (DIAMAS & Skills4EOSC) | OPERAS

Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-07-22


The mission requires a sound knowledge of and a strong interest for the open science and open access European landscape, and the ability to correctly assess the needs and challenges in terms of training, skills, best practices, standardisation, sustainability in these areas. The Open science project officer should be able to collaboratively build a global overview of such needs and challenges that takes into account the specificities of the research communities and their different actors. The Open science project officer will contribute to the following projects: DIAMAS In the transition towards Open Access (OA), institutional publishing is challenged by fragmentation and varying service quality, visibility, and sustainability. To address this issue, DIAMAS gathers 23 organisations from 12 European countries, well-versed in OA academic publishing and scholarly communication. The DIAMAS project will map the current landscape of Institutional Publishing Service Providers (IPSPs) in 25 countries of the ERA with special attention for IPSPs that do not charge fees for publishing or reading. It will coordinate and improve the efficiency and quality of IPSPs by developing a European Quality Standard for Institutional Publishing (EQSIP). Lastly it will formulate community-led, actionable recommendations and strategies for institutional leaders, funders/sponsors/donors, and policymakers in the European Research Area (ERA). Workshops and targeted networking actions will reach and engage institutional decision-makers. In 36 months, DIAMAS will deliver an aligned, high-quality, and sustainable institutional OA scholarly publication ecosystem for the ERA, setting a new standard for OA publishing, shared and co-designed with all stakeholders. Skills4EOSC Skills4EOSC brings together leading experiences of national, regional, institutional and thematic Open Science (OS) and Data Competence Centres from 18 European countries with the goal of unifying the current training landscape into a common and trusted pan-European ecosystem, in order to accelerate the upskilling of European researchers and data professionals in the field of FAIR and Open Data, intensive-data science and Scientific Data Management. Competence Centres (CC) are seen as centres of gravity of OS and EOSC activities in their countries. These entities can either be established national initiatives (as is the case of ICDI in Italy) or initiatives under establishment (e.g. Austria, Greece and the Nordic countries) or organisations which have the leading or mandated contribution to the OS activities nationally. CCs pool the expertise available within research institutions, universities and thematic and cross-discipline research infrastructures. They offer training and support, empowerment, lifelong learning, professionalisation and resources to a variety of stakeholders, including not only researchers and data stewards, but also funders, decision makers, civil servants, and industry. Thanks to their position at the heart of the above described multi-stakeholder landscape, the CCs represented by the Skills4EOSC partners play a pivotal role in national plans for Open Science and in the interaction with scientific communities. They also have close access to policy makers and the related funding streams. The Skills4EOSC project will leverage this reference role to establish a pan-European network of CCs on OS and data, coordinating the work done at the national level to upskill professionals in this field. The Skills4EOSC CC network will drive the co-creation of harmonised trainer accreditation pathways, academic and professional curricula and skills quality assurance, recognition frameworks, and learning material creation methodologies. Both projects will start the 1st of September 2022 with a duration of 36 months.   Key Responsibilities Participate in landscaping and mapping activities in both projects Lead the coordination of collaborative work in various tasks and work packages in both projects where OPERAS is WP/task leader Lead and participate in the design of capacity/competence centres in both projects Supervise, write, finalise, and review key deliverables in both projects Communicate in coordination with OPERAS and project communication managers on the activities and outputs of the projects Manage the reporting activity for OPERAS in both projects For DIAMAS project: organise and manage the community network of diamond publishing stakeholders beyond the project consortium Relationships Daily with OPERAS contact points in DIAMAS and Skills4EOSC projects With projects PIs, WP Leaders and tasks leaders in both projects With other partners in both projects With OPERAS Coordination Team and in particular with OPERAS FAIR data officer OPERAS Community Manager OPERAS Community Coordinator


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.eosc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.diamas jobs labour oa.ssh oa.humanities operas eosc europe

Date tagged:

07/22/2022, 09:45

Date published:

07/22/2022, 05:30