£5.8 million project to deliver a more sustainable future for Open Access books | Lancaster University

Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-03-30


A new project that works to increase access to valuable research is to receive more than £5.8 million in funding. Led by Lancaster University, the Open Book Futures (OBF) project will develop and support organisations, tools and practices that enable both academics and the wider public to make more and better use of books published on an Open Access basis. Open Access books can be accessed and used online free of charge. In particular, the project, which is also supported by Lancaster University Library, aims to achieve a step change in how community-owned Open Access book publishing is delivered. Funded by Arcadia and the Research England Development (RED) Fund, the project marks a shift in the ambition, scope and impact of community-owned Open Access book publishing. It will significantly increase and improve the quantity, discoverability, preservation and accessibility of academic content freely and easily available to all. This will be done by building the infrastructures, business models, networks and resources that are needed to deliver a future for Open Access books led not by large commercial operations but by communities of scholars, small-to-medium-sized publishers, not-for-profit infrastructure providers, and scholarly libraries. This includes expanding the work of the recently launched Open Book Collective, which makes it easier for academic libraries to provide direct financial support to Open Access publishing initiatives, as well as the Thoth metadata management platform, the Opening the Future revenue model and the forthcoming Experimental Publishing Compendium. Open Book Futures, due to start on May 1st, builds on the pioneering work of the Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) project. COPIM, a strategic international partnership led by Coventry University, began the work of establishing the key open, community-led solutions required to address the barriers to the wider impact of Open Access books. [...]  



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copim ukri publishing libraries lyrasis metadata operas academic_led thoth jisc europe doab oa.ukri oa.thoth oa.scurl oa.scielo_books oa.research_england oa.punctum oa.publishing oa.operas oa.openbookfutures oa.obp oa.obc oa.metadata oa.lyrasis oa.libraries oa.kfg oa.jisc oa.growth oa.funding oa.experiments oa.europe oa.educopia oa.doab oa.data oa.copim oa.continental_platform oa.coki oa.business_models oa.books oa.archiving oa.arcadia oa.academic_led oa.publishing open_book_collective

Date tagged:

03/30/2023, 05:23

Date published:

03/30/2023, 01:23