ARL Supports cOAlitionS Call for Publisher Transparency and Reduced Author Burden for Immediate Open Access - Association of Research Libraries

Items tagged with oa.arl in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-03-02


"The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) endorses the cOAlition S call to publishers asking for greater clarity and transparency in manuscript submission processes, enabling authors to exercise the right to retain their copyright and to meet Plan S grant obligations for immediate open access (OA) dissemination of their research articles. Urgent global challenges underscore a growing consensus on the benefits of immediate open access. In a time of experimentation with business models to achieve that goal, transparency is critically important for all stakeholders—including funders, research institutions, and their libraries—to make data-informed decisions with the resources they steward. What cOAlition S proposes will also reduce author burden with respect to decision-making and publication workflow as researchers navigate the policy environment to realize immediate OA. In alignment with cOAlition S’s request to publishers, ARL works for optimal institutional and public policies–including a balanced copyright regime–that expand access to knowledge. Our member libraries partner on implementation of those policies in the research ecosystem, including consultation on open licensing, publishing, and other open research practices...."


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oa.transparency oa.rights-retention oa.plan_s publishers arl

Date tagged:

03/02/2022, 11:34

Date published:

03/02/2022, 06:36