Personal Digital Archiving 2015, NYC, 4/24-26, 2015: Call for Participation

Items tagged with oa.cni in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2014-10-29


"We are pleased to announce that the Personal Digital Archiving Conference 2015 will take place in New York City for the first time! The conference will be hosted by New York University’s Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program April 24 to 26, 2015. This year’s conference will differ slightly from the Personal Digital Archiving (PDA) Conferences of previous years. We will have two full days of presentations focused on a set of themes and we will set aside a third day for workshops covering useful digital tools. The conference program committee seeks proposals for: - 10 to 20 minute presentations - 5 minute lightning talks - posters (including demos) - workshops, particularly emphasizing software tools (taking place on the third day). The program committee will try to cluster shorter presentations into panels and encourage discussion among the panelists. For the day of workshops, we are seeking hands-on learning focused on useful digital tools. We anticipate four half-day workshops, with two in the morning and two in the afternoon. Our personal and professional records are now primarily digital, and our lives are geared toward constant sharing of these works, from street protests to baby photos. The complexity of these growing collections in every sphere of our lives cannot be overstated. The Personal Digital Archiving 2015 Conference welcomes a broad community, working to ensure longterm access to these personal collections and archives. We would like to see presentations that show how an individual would approach a personal collection and how a closely tied group (such as a family or a community organization) would approach their shared collection. The array of physical and digital formats that comprise any collection is ever expanding and shifting. Approaches to managing these collections differ greatly between the broad spectrum of archival best practices and 'better than leaving it in the basement' practices. Personal Digital Archiving 2015 invites proposals on the full range of topics relevant to personal digital archiving. We particularly encourage papers and presentations around community groups, activist groups and their use of digital media, as well as personal/familial collections and homebrewed digital solutions ..."


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Date tagged:

10/29/2014, 19:02

Date published:

10/29/2014, 15:02