Jisc and CNI conference: report on the proceedings | Jisc
Items tagged with oa.cni in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2016-11-02
"Wadham College in Oxford provided the historic setting for the 2016 Jisc and CNI conference. The event was designed to bring together senior practitioners from across the scholarly communications stakeholder spectrum to explore and debate many of the issues and challenges faced by the sector. These include open data, research metrics and indicators, the sustainability of open access infrastructure and analytics in research and learning. The following day a group of experts from the UK and USA were invited to consider and identify opportunities for greater collaboration through detailed discussions on the themes of first, creating, sustaining an using the scholarly record and second, enabling the scholarly record for future research and impact."
http://repository.jisc.ac.uk/6511/1/jisc-and-cni-2016-report-on-proceedings.pdfFrom feeds:
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