The academic world urges publishers to enter a brave new world! | Eva Wiberg

Items tagged with oa.leru in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2016-02-16


"Recently LERU, (League of European Research Universities) /published a statement on open access. Swedish and European universities pay significant parts of their budgets to publishers, in a European perspecitve, hundreds of millions of Euros. In the era of Open Science and  Open Data, Open Access to publications is one of the cornerstones of the new research paradigm, and the business models of the publishers must support this transition. It should be one of the principal objectives of policy makers to ensure that this transition happens.  Open Science is here, and with increasingly tighter budgets within institutions, rising subscription costs and article processing charges, policy makers should make it one of their  principal objectives so that reviewed and transparent research is spread to the entire academic world. At Lund University we strongly support the LERU initative and look forward to a transition from traditional subscription models to an Open Access future. Researchers are looking for a change in publishing models and Open Access is swiftly becoming the default way in which research publications are made availiable to as wide audience as possible ..."


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Date tagged:

02/16/2016, 08:48

Date published:

02/16/2016, 03:48