Open Science @unimi. Relazione annuale 2017 | COMMISSIONE DI ATENEO PER L’ACCESSO APERTO
Items tagged with oa.leru in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2018-03-30
[From google Translate] Open Science @unimi [University of Milan]. Annual Report 2017 | University Commission for Open Access
The multiplicity, quantity and quality of the Athenaeum's activities related to Open Science has made it necessary to collect and formalize them in an annual report that the Commission, made up of delegates from the Departments, intends to draft continuously starting this year. The report aims to show not only the consistency of the results achieved, but also the advantages that the system offers to the scientific community of our University as regards both the stability of the storage of research data and its visibility and dissemination. It should be remembered that AIR's characteristics are not only the correct filing of metadata, the permanence of its preservation, independence from private interests, but also the constant exchange of data and metadata, i.e. interoperability with databases of extreme importance in the field of scientific research, as will be seen below.
2017 was the year in which many of the activities launched in previous years became fully operational.
As for Green Open Access (practiced through the AIR institutional archive that acts as a research registry and dissemination tool), we would like to mention interoperability with OPENAIRE (to which we sent more than 17000 full-text open recordings), DART Europe (to which we sent almost 3000 open access doctoral theses), the LERU Law Portal and PubMed. Particularly satisfying is the partnership with PubMed, whose archive is a source for full-text content not present in PubMed, and which in the second half of last year saw a steady growth in access and downloads to reach over 3000 in November.
To ensure that the AIR archive is not perceived as an inert container, in which the data loading is reduced to one of the many administrative obligations, it has activated a series of useful functions to understand the use of its own searches, such as altmetrics (downloads, tweets, mendeley mentions, facebook, etc.) associated with each publication. In this sense, AIR is placed at the same level of functionality as non-institutional research archives, overcoming them with certainty of data and, as mentioned, interoperability.
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