Positive developments in making EU copyright & data legislation fit for research | LERU

Items tagged with oa.leru in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-03-01


"In this context, LERU calls for the improvement of the regulatory framework, enabling unimpeded access to and reuse of publicly funded research results, publications, and data for research purposes.... LERU agrees with the experts’ views and welcomes the potential measures to create a balance in the interests of the various stakeholders. To that end, LERU shares specific recommendations contributing to the Commission’s ultimate goal to provide a legal framework fit for research that will benefit the scientific community as well as society as a whole, through the following statements: EU Copyright legislation and research LERU statement – observations and recommendations on legal experts’ views on barriers and challenges with focus on potential measures to address them   EU Data and digital legislation and research LERU statement – observations and recommendations on legal experts’ views on barriers and challenges with focus on potential measures to address them ..."



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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.leru in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
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oa.legislation oa.data oa.copyright libraries europe leru

Date tagged:

03/01/2023, 14:50

Date published:

03/01/2023, 09:50