Annals of Forest Science changes its scope and complies with green open access rules

Items tagged with oa.hal in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2015-04-06


" ... Annals of Forest Science now fully complies with the requirements of green open access. All papers published in Annals of Forest Science are now made freely available under the publisher’s version in an open repository (the French repository HAL) after the binding 12-month embargo which was agreed upon with our publisher Springer. To visit the repository, please go to ARINRA-AFS/fr. The deposit is done under the responsibility of the editorial board of the journal: authors are indeed still free to deposit the published versions of their papers in any institutional repository after the 12-month embargo. Moreover, authors are free to deposit the preprint and postprint versions of their manuscript in any institutional repository of their choice, provided they link the deposit to the published version on the journal’s website (http://www. This corresponds perfectly with the criteria of green open access, and we are very happy to announce this evolution in our editorial policy ..."


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Date tagged:

04/06/2015, 09:30

Date published:

04/06/2015, 05:30