Publications françaises Open Access 2010-2014 - Etude bibliom´etrique
Items tagged with oa.hal in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2017-04-13
From Google Translate: "In order to have concrete elements to inform the public decision, the BSN4 working group asked the Inist to carry out a bibliometric study on French publications in Open Access (OA) in Medicine Science (STM) over a five-year period, from 2010 to 2014, in order to the French scientific production and try to estimate the amount of APC.
This document presents remarks and methodological recommendations following the realization of this study. The study is the subject of two reports, one on methodology and one on results:
OpenAccess_BSN4_Bibliometric_Security_30 September2016.docx
A number of results can be accessed via the dynamic dashboard created using the free tool ezVIS1, whose access is reserved.
The limits of each stage of the method are evoked and recommendations are made:
Source for the constitution of the corpus: justification of the choice of the WoS as the sole source collection of publications,
Sources for the marking of periodicals: examination of lists of periodicals used (DOAJ, JCR, ROAD, "Big Publishers" list) and assessment of the risk of the use of these lists (with a calculation of error rate) and the method of alignment,
Source for the retrieval of OA publications from non-OA periodicals: explanation of difficulties encountered, in particular with the limits of CrossRef,
Sources for the amount of the APCs: defects in its allocation,
Breakdown of the amount of CPAs per organization: limits on the distribution of publications for 5 organizations and the criteria used to determine the paying agency."
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