French Institute for the Near East | L'Institut français du Proche-Orient
Items tagged with oa.hal in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2017-12-15
"French Institute for the Near East (Ifpo) is today at the service of all the disciplines of humanities and social sciences, from Antiquity to our times, and at the understanding of the Near East in general and that of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the Palestinian territories and Iraq in particular...By putting up the works of its researchers online and open access on the HAL-SHS website, Ifpo achieves in particular an increase in their regional and international visibility. As much as possible, a systematic diffusion of abstracts (or articles) in English as well as Arabic (henceforth accepted on this open archive) should allow the Institute to augment the ‘transparency’ of its missions in its regional environment and favour a more systematic interaction with the international academic community as a whole."
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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.hal in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » ab1630's bookmarks