La coopération entre l’archive ouverte HAL AMU et les Presses universitaires de Provence : une dynamique au service de la science ouverte et de la bibliodiversité
Items tagged with oa.hal in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2019-02-02
From Deepl translator : Cooperation between the HAL AMU institutional repository and the university's presses (Presses universitaires de Provence, PUP): a dynamic in the service of open science and bibliodiversity.
"The PUPs have succeeded in creating a model that turns the institutional repository HAL AMU into an editorial showcase for the university's scientific publications. They have given impetus to a dynamic within the joint service of the AMU University Press, since the Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille (PUAM), also attached to this joint service, have since wished to initiate their own policy on institutional repository dissemination. Since spring 2018, articles published in PUAM journals or chapters of collective works can be deposited in HAL AMU from the publisher PDF, with a 12-month embargo, in accordance with legislative provisions. The editorial choices of the PUPs and PUAMs have also contributed to the formalization of Aix Marseille University's open access policy. The collaboration between the university presses and the HAL AMU open archive has thus made it possible to lay the foundations for a dynamic dissemination policy in favour of open science and bibliodiversity.
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