Un accord de 4 ans entre Elsevier et la recherche française - The Sound Of Science

Items tagged with oa.hal in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2019-04-16


From Google's English: "Unlike institutions Swedish and Norwegian or at universities such as California , academic institutions and research French have agreed in principle by the voice of their consortium Couperin, for the renewal of a national license with Elsevier. In a letter sent April 11 to the scientific publisher that Sound Of Science has procured, Lise Dumasy, president of the consortium, details the terms of the agreement whose duration is 4 years, effective from January 1 2019. With this agreement, French research institutions will have access to the publisher's "Freeedom complete edition" magazine package, Lancet included, French Medical Library and Cell Press. However, the consortium does not guarantee the publisher that all its members will adhere to the national license.... This agreement provides for a gradual decrease in license costs of 13.3% spread over 4 years.... The agreement provides for Elsevier to make a 25% rebate on its Article processing charge ( APC ), which can be translated as an Item Processing Fee, which is the price paid by a researcher's laboratory when it publishes in some journals in Open Access... A highlight of the agreement is what is known as "green open access". This term originally refers to how to force open publication of scientific articles by publishing "author" versions of scientific articles. Indeed, the law Republic digital provides that the researchers have the right to publish their article without the modifications that the editor has added (that it is corrections of form or form) after 6 months in STEM (science, technology , engineering and mathematics) and after 12 months in SHS (human and social sciences). Here, the agreement provides for setting up automatic can access after 12 months' author manuscript accepted "( MAA ) or postprint streaming directly Sciencedirect, the platform from Elsevier and a manual HAL ( the CNRS open archive ) which points to this streaming. Then, in a second time and after 24 months, the pdf file of this manuscript would be found directly on the HAL platform. This agreement allows Elsevier to urge French researchers not to worry about the deposit of their articles in "green openaccess" by providing a service that does so but with a broader embargo than allowed by law and in streaming and no with the pdf file accessible directly...."



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Date tagged:

04/16/2019, 14:48

Date published:

04/16/2019, 10:12