Horizon 2020 et l’open access en résumé - JUBIL : Bibliothèque de l'UPMC (BUPMC)

Items tagged with oa.hal in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2014-03-12


[From Google's English] " The program Horizon 2020 has the obligation to ensure free access to publications resulting from research it has contributed to finance. The document Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in 2020 and contextualizes specific rules set out in Article 29.2 of the model grant agreement. A two-step process is provided (p. 6 of the Guidelines ... and following). -     Remove the publication in an open archive ( HALexample). PDF editor or postprint must be filed as soon as possible and no later than at the time of publication, with the aim of ensuring the long-term conservation of publication. -     Provide free access to the publication within a period of 6 months. This step can be considered in several ways, either by using only open if the open access archive of the publisher policy permits, or by posting in open access journals or hybrid (the publication will then also be available for free access in the open archive). This step also provides bibliographic metadata, which should include a detailed reference to the action of the Horizon 2020 program."



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oa.policies oa.mandates oa.horizon2020 oa.hal oa.guides oa.funders oa.french oa.france oa.europe oa.compliance

Date tagged:

03/12/2014, 08:35

Date published:

03/12/2014, 03:14