Library management system, Koha, is global | Joinup
Items tagged with oa.koha in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-03-05
Koha’s flexibility, modularity, and Open Source licens makes the system globally scalable.
It is difficult to choose a single benefit in Koha, says Jessica Andersson from Alingsås Library, who is also in the board of Koha’s Sweden Network. Koha is build to be modular and features can easily be controlled by activation or de-sctivation. This is a flexibility, which Jessica Andersson points out to be unique in Koha.
Give you specialty to the collective
The Koha project started in New Zealand. It is named after the maori word for ’gift’, ’donation’, or "giving your specialty to the collective event".
This library system is released under at GPL 3 licens and can be used in public, school, or special libraries all over the world. The project started in 1999 and was installed for the first time the year after.
An Open Source licens allows for an open and active community, nationally and internationally, where everyone can participate in discussionen and develop it further in collaboration with other libraries – both the small and the larger ones, Jessica Andersson explains.
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