The Grassy Uplands of Research Data Management: Developing Community-led RDM Resources | OpenAIRE
Items tagged with in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-01-12
The OpenAIRE NOADs1 have a diverse background. Their original mission has shifted from not only supporting open access to publications but also to promoting open access to research data. Equipped with a considerable amount of knowledge and skills already around RDM available the task force still needed to build capacity in order to fulfil a national role in this field. Additionally, it was apparant that there was a lack of materials on RDM that NOADs could use nationally to help implement RDM or raise awareness around this topic. To fill these gaps the task force was created in 2018. It was organised in such a way that coordinators facilitated and guided discussions and made sure work plans were set.
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