ACCUCOMS and Ringgold for Efficient Data Management and Customer Targeting for Subcription-Based and Open Access Publishers » ACCUCOMS

Items tagged with oa.ringgold in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2013-07-31


"Publishers regularly mention the wish to improve data quality, prospect identification and customer contact. That is why ACCUCOMS and Ringgold have entered a unique partnership*: our common goal is to connect both traditional and Open Access publishers, authors, libraries and end-users in the most efficient way.  Subscription-based and Open Access publishers and intermediaries now hold a vast array of data, usually from multiple sources and often in separate silos. The disambiguation and management of this data is increasingly complicated and utilizing data to better understand the customer, whether author, reader or subscriber, is ever more important. Utilizing institutional identifiers is the first step in disambiguating and connecting customer data to inform decisions about your interactions with customers and/or authors, contributors, and reviewers and provide information with which you can drive your business. Ringgold’s Identify database now exceeds 350,000 uniquely identified institutional entities worldwide, a number growing by about 20% per year ..."


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Tags: oa.ringgold oa.publishers oa.business_models oa.announcements oa.accucoms oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.announcement

Date tagged:

07/31/2013, 07:25

Date published:

07/31/2013, 03:25