Two-Part Webinar: By Faculty and For Students and Open Access Monographs | NISO website

Items tagged with oa.niso in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2020-07-27


"By Faculty and For Students: Supporting Open Educational Resources, Part One: How do participating players -- whether the librarian or the member of the faculty -- successfully drive buy-in by the target audience, the undergraduates? What is important to consider in terms of design that engages students/ What indicators of use are deemed valuable? Some texts may not lend themselves to being printed out. In some instances, the subject matter may dictate appropriate design (interactive? Text only? Images?). The creation of low-cost textbooks and curriculum support is recognized as important, but, moving forward, how is the community dealing with the challenges of ensuring currency and quality? How does the community ensure access for all users who may not have access to the same technology? What support might be made available to faculty interested in developing these materials? Open Access Monographs: What You Need To Know, Part Two: A 2019 article in The Atlantic observed that the current disruption in scholarly book publishing might result in the Great Sorting, what the author saw as a beneficial “matching of different kinds of scholarly uses with the right media, formats and locations.” In this specific arena, who are the stakeholders currently delivering open access monographs? What are the current business models that represent sustainability for those stakeholders? Recognizing that the population of interested readers of these works may be far larger than the actual revenues derived, how can both publishing professionals as well as librarians assist users in discovering such high-value OA monographs?..."


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Date tagged:

07/27/2020, 15:45

Date published:

07/27/2020, 11:44