NISO Announces New Project to Integrate Publisher and Repository Workflows | NISO website

Items tagged with oa.niso in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-10-28


"The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) today announced that its Voting Members have approved work on a new project, Integrating Publisher and Repository Workflows to Improve Research Data-Article Links.  With widespread support for open data from many government entities, publishers, funders, and other stakeholders, research data is increasingly being deposited, published, and cited. However, there are still a number of barriers — technical as well as cultural. This new project aims to address some of the technical issues by making linking between data and other research objects with their associated literature both easier and more consistent. The new NISO Working Group on Integrating Publisher and Repository Workflows to Improve Research Data-Article Links will develop a Recommended Practice for how publisher and repository systems should interoperate, so that link creation happens automatically. Building on industry efforts such as the RDA/WDS Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix),  JATS4R Recommendations on Data Citations and Data Availability Statements, this project aims to define the information required at each end of the bidirectional link between datasets and other research works, including what notifications are needed. The goal is to create a Recommended Practice that platform providers of all sizes can aspire to meet. The Working Group’s remit will include defining the required metadata, building a terminology of events and of citation/link types for data/article relationships, and agreeing what information needs to be exchanged and in which direction.  ..."


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oa.scholix oa.repositories oa.publishers oa.niso oa.interoperability oa.integration

Date tagged:

10/28/2021, 09:22

Date published:

10/28/2021, 05:21