Beyond Sci-Hub: Cyber Challenges for the Scholarly Communications Industry - Against the Grain
Items tagged with oa.ra21 in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2020-08-04
"Given recent reporting in the press,1 it seems that the legitimacy and credibility of Sci-Hub is no longer a matter for debate. However, the challenge of how to address the continuing threat Sci-Hub poses to authors, societies, university presses, and other publishers reliant on the royalties derived from book sales and subscription income remains — and is connected to the much wider challenge of cybercrime....
Collectively, we have a responsibility to safeguard and manage a successful online researcher experience by ensuring institutional and individual access is enabled to high quality, licensed, peer reviewed publications; that data is protected; and entitlements from licensed institutions are safeguarded. For example, publishers and librarians worked together as part of the RA21 initiative, now called, to make access to articles easier for researchers using their institutional logins when they are not on campus. As this becomes implemented across platforms and publishers, it will also negate the need for researchers to log in each time they move between publishers’ websites. ...
One way that our community is looking to address and tackle these issues is through the Scholarly Networks Security Initiative (SNSI). ..."
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