Through LA Referencia: Latin America Integrated into COAR
Items tagged with oa.la_referencia in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2012-07-07
“The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) is a young association of repository initiatives launched in October 2009, uniting over 80 institutions in 24 countries from throughout Europe, Latin America, Asia, and North America. Its mission is to enhance greater visibility and application of research outputs through global networks of Open Access digital repositories. LA Referencia (Red Federada de Repositorios Institucionales de Publicaciones Científicas)-led by RedCLARA and funded by the Regional Public Goods Funds of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and with the participation of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, aims to share and give visibility to the scientific production generated in institutions of higher education and scientific research. The main purpose of LA Referencia is the creation of a common strategy and a framework of agreements for the construction and maintenance of a Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications for storing, sharing, giving visibility and open access to scientific production in Latin America. In this context, the full incorporation into COAR is of utmost importance because it leads Latin America to a scenario of highest value for the regional scientific production. The COAR Directory is integrated by Norbert Lossau, from the Göttingen University (Germany) as Chairman (re-elect), Carmen Gloria Labbé (RedCLARA, LA Referencia - Latin America), and Márta Virágos University and National Library of Debrecen, Hungary, as Treasurer.”
08/16/2012, 06:08From feeds:
[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.la_referencia in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »