LYROpen Fair Session 1: Link It, Find It, Count It - Open Research Infrastructure Programs at LYRASIS, 3/24/2022 1:00 PM ET

Items tagged with oa.lyrasis in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-02-23


Description: Academic libraries, and institutional repositories in particular, play a key role in the ongoing quest for ways to gather metrics and connect the dots between researchers and research contributions in order to measure “institutional impact,” while also streamlining workflows to reduce administrative burden. Identifying accurate metrics and measurements for illustrating “impact” is a goal that many academic research institutions share, but these goals can only be met to the extent that all organizations across the research and scholarly communication landscape are using best practices and shared standards in research infrastructure. For example, persistent identifiers (PIDs) such as ORCID iDs (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) and DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) have emerged as crucial best practices for establishing connections between researchers and their contributions while also serving as a mechanism for interoperability in sharing data across systems. The more institutions using persistent identifiers (PIDs) in their workflows, the more connections can be made between entities, making research objects more FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable). Also, when measuring institutional repository usage, clean, comparable, standards-based statistics are needed for accurate internal assessment, as well as for benchmarking with peer institutions.   To support institutional goals reliant on shared standards, LYRASIS serves as the community home for three consortial programs designed to lower the barrier of participation for libraries of different sizes, missions, and constituencies to use open research infrastructure best practices: the ORCID US Community, the LYRASIS DataCite US Community (for DOIs), and the IRUS (Institutional Repository Usage Statistics) US Community. This webinar will cover the basics of these three programs as well as resources for learning more and getting involved.   At the end of this session, participants will:   Understand the open research infrastructure programs at LYRASIS and the basics of ORCID, DOIs, and IRUS Know where to go/who to contact to get more information   Instructors   Paolo P. Gujilde, ORCID US Community Specialist, joined LYRASIS in May 2021. Paolo started his work in academic libraries in research services and transitioned into collection strategies and scholarly communications. He is actively involved in professional organizations especially serving and advocating for equity, diversity, and inclusion in library services. More about Paolo at   Sheila Rabun has worked in the academic library field since 2010, with a focus on digital workflows, agile project management, communicating technical information to diverse audiences, and advocating for interoperability in cultural heritage, research, and scholarly communication ecosystems. As the Program Leader for Persistent Identifier Communities at LYRASIS, Sheila manages the ORCID US Community and the LYRASIS DataCite US Community, working with non-profit organizations across the US to support open research infrastructure by using persistent identifiers to make research and scholarly content more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Learn more about Sheila at   Hannah Rosen is a Strategist for Research and Scholarly Communication at LYRASIS. Within the Content and Scholarly Communication Initiatives team she is responsible for managing vendor and not-for-profit partnerships, including, but not limited to, digitization vendors, open access (OA) initiatives, and scholarly communication services. She is also a member of the Research and Innovation team, where she administers and publishes LYRASIS Research surveys and reports, and facilitates connections between LYRASIS research initiatives and events such as the Leaders Forums and the Annual Member Summit.


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Date tagged:

02/23/2022, 03:47

Date published:

02/22/2022, 22:47