DataCite Make Data Count Webinar Series | DataCite Blog

Items tagged with oa.datacite in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-02-08


by Paul Vierkant Make Data Count (MDC) is a scholarly change initiative, made up of researchers and open infrastructure experts, building and advocating for evidence-based open data metrics. Throughout MDC’s tenure, various areas key to the development of research data assessment metrics have been identified. Please join a Spring seminar and discussion series centered around priority work areas, adjacent initiatives to learn from, and steps that can be taken immediately to drive diverse research communities towards assessment and reward for open data. The first webinar titled “FORAGE: the hunt for existing data citations” will focus on the issue of finding and aggregating citations, how we can extend open citation initiatives to data, and how we can get known citations into a centralized open place. The webinar will take place on Mar 17, 2022, 4pm-5pm (UTC) including Julia Lane, Silvio Peroni, Carly Robinson, and Stephanie van de Sandt as speakers. Please register here for the one hour event. “EXPLORE: the need for an open classification system” is the title of the second webinar that will take place on April 7, 3pm-4pm (UTC), 2022 (speakers and agenda to be announced). The final webinar “BEGIN: metadata for meaningful data metrics“ will be on May 19, 3pm-4pm (UTC), 2022 (speakers and agenda to be announced). Be part of and spread the word about this webinar series that discusses and demystifies the key issues and opportunities in building for open data metrics.


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Tags: datacite

Date tagged:

02/08/2022, 08:45

Date published:

02/08/2022, 03:45