Building the Open Global Data Citation Corpus | Feb 13, 2023 | Webinar Registration - Zoom
Items tagged with oa.datacite in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-01-19
"Wellcome Trust and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Partners with DataCite to Build the Open Global Data Citation Corpus Aggregated references to data across outputs will help the community monitor impact, inform future funding, and improve the dissemination of research DataCite is pleased to announce that The Wellcome Trust has awarded funds to build the Open Global Data Citation Corpus to dramatically transform the data citation landscape. The corpus will store asserted data citations from a diverse set of sources and can be used by any community stakeholder. Interested community stakeholders are invited to join the virtual kick-off and participate in a conversation between DataCite, Wellcome Trust, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, EMBL-EBI, COKI, OpenAIRE, and OpenCitations. The slides and recording will be shared afterwards through the DataCite Zenodo Community and YouTube Channel, respectively...."
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