Open Access Books - Delta Think

Items tagged with oa.doab in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-07-20


"We can see that the DOAB now indexes over 30,000 titles. The charts show the cumulative number of titles growing over time. License proportions are largely consistent over time. Just over 71% of titles use CC licenses. CC BY-NC-ND licenses are the most common (32% of the index). CC BY licenses are the second-most common (24% of the index). The numbers above do not include the circa 5,000 titles with submission dates unspecified in the publicly available data. (At the time of writing – July 2021 – the team at the DOAB are working on a fix.) We have excluded these titles from the chart above. Subscribers to our OA Data and Analytics Tool will be able to see the updated figures when they are released by the DOAB. Submissions for 2010 and 2011 were imported from an OAPEN service set up in 2010.... The explosive growth of books should also be put in the context of “high growth from a low starting point”. Absent a definitive index of academic books, we sampled data from a few publishers. The results suggest that barely 1% of their output is in the DOAB on average. So, as with journal article output, we may see growth rates start to fall towards a steady state after the initial cohort of titles is made open.... Comparing patterns in books with those in journals shows that there is a similar level of consolidation in the market. The 10 largest publishers account for around 50% of both books and journal output. License usage, however, appears to be different for books: CC BY-NC-ND appears to be far more prevalent in books compared with journals. Books are different beasts to journals, so it’s likely that authors and publishers want greater restrictions intended to “protect” long form scholarship, which is so central to tenure and promotion in Humanities and Social Sciences and also to afford greater commercial opportunities around print and other formats...."


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.doab in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.multilingualism oa.licensing oa.libre oa.growth oa.deltathink oa.books doab oapen

Date tagged:

07/20/2021, 10:17

Date published:

07/20/2021, 06:17