”Scholarly monographs should also be Open Access, shouldn’t they?” – Guidelines and tools to making books Open Access. Oct 28, 3pm (CEST) | Danish Network for Open Access
Items tagged with oa.doab in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-10-10
When we talk about Open Access (OA), we mostly do so in the context of scholarly articles in journals. The Danish National Strategy for Open Access also has a special focus on OA for journal articles. Right now, however, a number of initiatives are pushing not only to publish scholarly monographs as OA but also to make it easier for researchers to ensure that publishers are transparent and thorough in their peer-review of OA publications.
In this session, Niels Stern will present relevant initiatives including DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) and PRISM (Peer Review Information Service for Monographs) – both services that help researchers navigate the jungle of publishers of OA monographs. He will also provide some insights into what to keep in mind when looking for and selecting a publisher for a manuscript.
Niels Stern is director of OAPEN. He began his career in scholarly book publishing in 2003 with an emphasis on marketing and digital publishing. In this capacity he became a co-founder of the OAPEN project in 2008. Moving on to the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2011 as head of publishing he created a Nordic open access policy and publication repository. Since 2014 Niels Stern has acted as independent expert for the European Commission on open science and e-infrastructures. He has evaluated and reviewed numerous European projects, e.g. HIRMEOS and OPERAS-D.
https://openaccess.dk/oaw2022/friday02From feeds:
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