Opening Access in Medieval Studies | Brandon W. Hawk

Items tagged with oa.iiif in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2018-01-18


"The recent launch of Parker Library on the Web to the public via a new platform signals big news for medieval studies at the start of 2018. This 10th-anniversary upgrade to 2.0 brings with it compatibility with the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) and a Creative-Commons Non-Commercial License, so images and other data are available to use and download for free. Parker on the Web’s new platform and license herald major shifts for those who specialize in medieval England. The Parker Library boasts one of the most significant collections of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts written in Latin and Old English as well as impressive holdings in Middle English and Anglo-Norman literature. Open access to those manuscripts means greater opportunities for research and teaching.


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oa.ssh oa.repositories oa.profits oa.platforms oa.paywalls oa.literature oa.licensing oa.libre oa.libraries oa.images oa.humanities oa.history oa.glam oa.digitization oa.digital_humanities oa.comment oa.benefits iiif

Date tagged:

01/18/2018, 13:24

Date published:

01/18/2018, 12:36