ScienceOpen and Thoth join forces on book metadata | ScienceOpen Blog
Items tagged with oa.thoth in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-04-13
by Nina Tscheke
To increase the discoverability and visibility for open books with richer and more interoperable metadata, ScienceOpen is happy to announce a new collaboration with Thoth, an open metadata management and dissemination platform. With this collaboration, open access book publishers and the entire book publishing ecosystem will benefit from a more interconnected digital publishing environment.
When we first started working with books and aggregating publicly available Crossref records via book DOIs to the ScienceOpen citation index, we quickly learned that the potential of Crossref records as actual metadata source was hardly recognized making for rather basic publicly availably records. Rich metadata was available mostly in ONIX , but while being the default format for distribution channels for book sellers and libraries, there tend to be data gaps in the ONIX information required for best practice usage in digital environments—speaking here esp. about persistent identifiers which are essential to keep records unified, connected and discoverable throughout the publication’s lifecycle.
Thanks to this new collaboration with Thoth, publishers will now be able to create a record on BookMetaHub, send it to Thoth for further enhancement, and then gain access to additional output formats for future export. We are also working on sending data created on Thoth to the BookMetaHub, so stay tuned!
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