Infusion of funding boosts prospects for impact of Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) on information ecosystem - SPARC

Items tagged with oa.hyku in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-06-25


"With commercial forces increasingly consolidating control of scholarly research and knowledge production services, there is growing momentum behind an effort to offer a more community-aligned alternative. Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) has brought together a variety of partners and funders to promote a community-governed system of infrastructure that can advance the health of the sector. SPARC was an early supporter of the non-profit initiative, working to catalyze its launch in the fall of 2019. The initiative has steadily developed into a growing global coalition...."


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oa.arcadia academic_led funding ioi

Date tagged:

06/25/2021, 15:55

Date published:

06/25/2021, 11:55