A call for volunteers: German, Korean, Portuguese, Turkish – DOAJ News Service

Items tagged with oa.doaj in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-07-29


"DOAJ has a network of skilled, voluntary Associate Editors and Editors who spend a few hours a week processing new journal applications. Would you like to join us? We are now recruiting volunteers who understand German, Korean, Portuguese and Turkish. (You do not have to be a native speaker.) You must also be proficient in written and spoken English. As a DOAJ volunteer, you will do a few hours of voluntary, unpaid work a week. You will receive training materials to help you carry out your duties. Your work will directly contribute to the quality, reputation, and prominence of open access scholarly publishing around the globe...."



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oa.volunteers oa.tools oa.jobs oa.gold oa.doaj multilingualism jobs labour doaj

Date tagged:

07/29/2022, 11:40

Date published:

07/29/2022, 07:40