North American university libraries subscribe to OpenEdition Freemium soon for Journals - The Open Electronic Publishing

Items tagged with oa.openedition in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2016-03-11


[From Google's English] "At around the North American Center for Research consortium libraries (CRL), the largest academic and research libraries in North America can, from March 1, subscribe to OpenEdition Freemium offers for Journals. This agreement aims to expand electronic resources in the field of research and Francophone studies in the US and Canada. CRL has more than 200 research libraries, public or private, including the UC Berkeley Library, Stanford University, Yale University, Harvard University, Columbia University, University of Michigan, University of Illinois, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University. Fifty of these establishments, members of the Collaborative International holdings in French (CIFNAL) in the CRL are potentially affected by the offer of OpenEdition ..."


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Date tagged:

03/11/2016, 09:32

Date published:

03/11/2016, 04:32