CIFNAL negotiates access to OpenEdition HSS journals – Open Electronic Publishing

Items tagged with oa.openedition in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2016-03-11


"Through the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) consortium, member libraries of the Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections (CIFNAL) can now subscribe to OpenEdition Freemium for Journals (OEFJ) at a preferential rate. This offer includes a subscription to a bundle of 143 peer-reviewed humanities and social science journals (HSS), open access to all content on the platform (in HTML format) and unlimited downloads of PDFs and ePubs (premium offer). High-quality associated services make it easy to integrate content into catalogues and library discovery tools ..."


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.openedition in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
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oa.ssh oa.publishers oa.openedition oa.libraries oa.librarians oa.languages oa.humanities oa.french oa.freemium oa.consortia oa.business_models oa.annoucnement openedition

Date tagged:

03/11/2016, 11:06

Date published:

03/11/2016, 06:06