First results of the crowdfunding OpenEdition Books Select experiment: Six titles published in open access – Open Electronic Publishing

Items tagged with oa.openedition in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2019-03-06


"Six titles from the OpenEdition Books Select package have now been published in open access on OpenEdition Books and will soon be published on OAPEN.... OpenEdition Books Select is the first crowdfunding programme for scientific publishing in French. Launched in 2018 in partnership with Knowledge Unlatched and the Couperin consortium, this unprecedented project aims to publish in open access a bundle of books by major publishers in the humanities and social sciences. The crowdfunding campaign is aimed at libraries around the world, enabling them to offer any reader access to French-language content of the highest quality. This ethical and transparent model is based on a collaboration between publishers and libraries committed to open science...."


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Date tagged:

03/06/2019, 10:09

Date published:

03/06/2019, 05:09