ASSIS&T Bulletin April/May 2013: New Opportunities for Repositories in the Age of Altmetrics

Items tagged with oa.latex in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2013-04-02


Use the link to access the full text article opening as follows: "University administrators are increasingly trying to find new ways to measure the impact of the scholarly output of their faculty, students and researchers through quantitative means. By reporting altmetrics (alternative metrics based on online activity) for their content, institutional repositories can add value to existing metrics – and prove their relevance and importance in an age of growing cutbacks to library services. This article will discuss the metrics that repositories currently deliver and how altmetrics can supplement existing usage statistics to provide a broader interpretation of research-output impact for the benefit of authors, library-based publishers and repository managers, and university administrators alike.  Metrics Repositories Currently Deliver Many repository platforms measure usage statistics such as download counts and page views. Less often, repositories report citation counts and altmetrics culled from the social web for their holdings. Here, we will look at usage statistics that are commonly reported on the three most popular repository platforms in use today: Digital Commons, DSpace and EPrints ..."


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oa.usage oa.universities oa.social_media oa.repositories oa.metrics oa.libraries oa.librarians oa.impactsory oa.impact oa.hei oa.digital_commons oa.comment oa.colleges oa.citations oa.benefits oa.altmetrics oa.comment oa.universities oa.libraries oa.impact oa.usage oa.librarians oa.citations oa.benefits oa.altmetrics dspace eprints

Date tagged:

04/02/2013, 14:05

Date published:

04/02/2013, 10:05