Position Announcement: NGLP Project Manager (Contractor). Application deadline: March 08, 2021. | Educopia Institute
Items tagged with oa.educopia in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-02-25
Library publishing is a burgeoning area of practice in academic libraries. This institution-based publishing model aligns with core academic values and actively seeks to broaden the open dissemination of knowledge, through traditional publications like journals and monographs and more informal and experimental forms of scholarly communication. To fully realize these goals, library publishers need: 1) better integrations of the open source tools and services upon which they rely, and 2) stronger open source tools for web delivery, content management, and reporting.
The Next Generation Library Publishing (NGLP) project, led by Educopia, California Digital Library (CDL), and Stratos, in partnership with LYRASIS, COAR, and Longleaf Services, is working to build and integrate community-led, open-source infrastructure and service solutions to provide robust support for library publishing.
Our team recently moved its project manager into a product owner role to focus on the technical deliverables of the project, and we are seeking a contractor to carry forward the project management tasks for the remainder of the project (through February 2022) with possibilities for renewal on similar projects in the future.
Description of Project Management Contractor
To assist NGLP in these projects, we seek a Project Manager who will:
support the project by applying standard project management concepts, frameworks, and methods to ensure the timely delivery of project deliverables within a highly distributed project team comprised of six partner organizations;
maintain a project work plan that indicates deliverables, responsibilities, timelines, and progress;
meet regularly with partner organizations and help organize and attend collaborative project meetings to establish near and long-term deliverables, track progress on monthly work plan goals, and realign or prioritize work as needed;
meet regularly with project PIs to discuss progress, resourcing and timeline feasibility; and create quarterly progress reports for the larger stakeholder community.
This contractor position requires approximately 20 hours/week through at least February 2022, starting as soon as possible. The position is remote; compensation dependent upon experience.
California Digital Library will oversee the work of the Project Manager, with Catherine Mitchell serving as the main point of direction for this position.
25% Project Organization and Reporting
Coordinates the research, development, and implementation processes for moderately complex, international, grant-funded project involving cross-functional, distributed teams.
Assists with project reporting.
Assists with new project proposal development.
45% Work Plan Coordination:
Assembles and directs small project teams.
Organizes project activities with the goal of establishing and tracking an approved work plan to complete the project on schedule and within budget constraints.
Meets regularly with project PIs to discuss progress, resourcing, and timeline feasibility.
Manages agendas, notes, and calendar entries for internal groups.
Helps organize and attends collaborative project meetings to establish near and long-term deliverables.
30% Communication:
Provides project partners with consistent communication about timelines and deliverables for purposes of tracking and overall project management.
Utilizes multiple channels to ensure adequate communication across distributed team members.
Manages scheduling and coordination for external group meetings and workshops.
The candidate should have the following experience and skills:
Project management experience
Some knowledge of agile software development processes
Some knowledge of the scholarly communications technology landscape
Some experience with open source software projects
Experience managing projects with minimal supervision
Solid writing and oral communication skills
Proven ability to produce/execute reports and project plans
Proposal Components
Proposals should be emailed to hr@educopia.org, and should include:
a current CV or resume
a brief letter of interest
a schedule of availability
names and contact information for two references
https://educopia.org/nglp-project-manager/From feeds:
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