The Lower Decks: A Symposium on Janeway and Open Access Publishing | 07/09/2023 – 08/09/2023, London

Items tagged with oa.janeway in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-02-03


"In celebration of the ten-year anniversary since the launch of the project of the Open Library of Humanities (OLH), an award-winning, academic-led, diamond open access journal publisher, and the five-year anniversary of Janeway, its ground-breaking open-source scholarly publishing platform, we are holding a symposium to explore future directions for Janeway engineering and open access publishing. Since its launch, the Janeway and OLH team has built an international, award-winning, and critically acclaimed platform and is widely recognised to be one of the foremost academic-led publishers of open access scholarship in the humanities. As we look forward to the next five years, we aspire to consolidate our position as a leading open source scholarly publishing platform, innovate our software in line with user needs, and bring together our community to both increase visibility and make Janeway the very best platform of its kind. Accordingly, Janeway and OLH staff are hosting a symposium which will include presentations on best practice, future developments and breakout sessions to hear from our community as we work together to make these a reality. We are therefore calling on members of the Janeway, OLH and open access communities to submit short abstracts for presentations, round tables, or breakout sessions. Please consider this an invitation to share innovative current practices, ambitions for Janeway, or aspirations for open access publishing more broadly...."


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Date tagged:

02/03/2023, 09:00

Date published:

02/03/2023, 04:00