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Items tagged with oa.omidyar_network in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2013-02-05


Use the link to access the interview introduced as follows: "If you had 10 million pounds to spend on open data research, development and startups, what would you do with it? That’s precisely the opportunity that Gavin Starks (@AgentGav) has been given as the first CEO of the Open Data Institute (ODI) in the United Kingdom. The ODI, which officially opened last September, was founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt. The independent, non-partisan, 'limited by guarantee' nonprofit is a hybrid institution focused on unlocking the value in open data by incubating startups, advising governments, and educating students and media. Previously, Starks was the founder and chairman of AMEE, a social enterprise that scored environmental costs and risks for businesses. (O’Reilly’s AlphaTech Ventures was one of its funders.) He’s also worked in the arts, science and technology. I spoke to Starks about the work of the ODI and open data earlier this winter as part of our continuing series investigating the open data economy..."


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.omidyar_network in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
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Date tagged:

02/05/2013, 13:38

Date published:

02/05/2013, 05:54